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ICACM 2013
Mean-stress dependent materials Recent advances & applications to natural risks
USA-France workshop - Aussois (France), 22-24 May 2013
Jointly proposed by ICACM (International Center for Applied Computational Mechanics) and INDURA (Infrastructures Durables Rhône-Alpes)
All solid materials whose mechanical behaviour depends on mean-stress level are concerned (geomaterials, porous media, some metals and composites…). In this field, experimental, theoretical and numerical aspects are of interest. The applications concern natural media and risks.
General schedule
Wednesday 22nd May Physics & mechanics of mean-stress dependent materials
Thursday 23rd May Mathematical & numerical modelling of mean-stress dependent materials
Friday 24th May Applications to natural media & risks
Registration: €300 to attend the whole symposium Accomodation: about €100/day for room and meal
Previous events
2007: University of Florida - REEF 2008: DGA, Rocamadour 2009: University of Florida - REEF 2010: Paris XIII, Institut Henri Poincaré 2011: IUTAM Symposium, Florida 2012: Rutgers University, New York
Organization committee
François Nicot (IRSTEA) Bruno Chareyre (Grenoble INP) Frédéric Dufour (Grenoble INP) Félix Darve (Grenoble INP) Adèle Wudtavee (INDURA)
Invited speakers
- A. Abdul-Latif (Univ. Paris 8)
- K.A. Alshibli (Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville)
- J. Andrade (Caltech)
- S. Berbenni (Univ. Metz)
- S. Bonelli (IRSTEA Aix-en-Provence)
- G. Buscarnera (North Western Univ.)
- B. Cambou (ECL Lyon)
- O. Cazacu (Univ. Florida)
- B. Chareyre (Grenoble INP)
- G. Combe (UJF Grenoble)
- A.Cortis (IONGEO, USA)
- A. Daouadji (Univ. Metz)
- Y. Delenne (Univ. Montpellier)
- J. Desrues (CNRS Grenoble)
- F. Donze (UJF Grenoble)
- F. Dufour (Grenoble INP)
- J. Duriez (EC Lyon)
- F. Grondin (EC Nantes)
- R. Lebensohn (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- M. Louge (Cornell Univ. USA)
- A. Madeo (INSA Lyon)
- A. Mangeney (IPGP Paris)
- G. Mollon (Grenoble INP)
- M. Naaim (IRSTEA Grenoble)
- F. Nicot (IRSTEA Grenoble)
- F. Radjai (Univ. Montpellier)
- L. Scholtes (Univ. Nancy)
- J.F. Shao (Univ. Lille)
- L. Sibille (Univ. Nantes)
- P. Villard (UJF Grenoble)
- E. Vincens (EC Lyon)
- G. Voyiadjis (Louisiana State Univ.)
- M. Zeghal (Rensselaer Polytech. Univ.)